The Growth and Challenges of Female Entrepreneurship in Oman

From Last Five Years Onward


  • Samiya Al Salti Middle East College
  • Dr. Maria Teresa Matriano Middle East College


Entrepreneurship in Oman, women Entrepreneurship in Oman, Challenges of Female Entrepreneurship


 Omani government has shown great interest in how to achieve a sustainable work environment for female entrepreneurship due to the great influence of women and their high participation in increasing the level of economic income. The growth rate of female entrepreneurship has increased dramatically in a short period of time, which has stimulated the Omani government to make more opportunities and services provided in female entrepreneurship. The research aims to find out the rate of growth of female entrepreneurship during the past five years in addition to the difficulties and challenges that Omani woman faced in the labour market. On the other hand, the solutions found to minimize these challenges were taken with recommendations to further increase the rate of growth of female entrepreneurship. The data were collected by distributing an online survey questionnaire to 378 Omani businesswomen who are practicing their own business in different places in Oman. In addition, four interviews were scheduled with Omani women entrepreneurs with a multi-business approach to discuss their journeys towards entrepreneurship. The study used two research methods, the qualitative and quantitative analysis. Based on the analysis, many challenges were summarized that had direct impact on the lack of growth of female entrepreneurship in the past five years. The lack of funding for women's projects came first, followed by the lack of women's skills and experiences in the labour market. Moreover, the lack of advertising marketing and Omani society's perception of women working in the field of entrepreneurship were also among the challenges.


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How to Cite

Al Salti, S., & Matriano, M. (2022). The Growth and Challenges of Female Entrepreneurship in Oman: From Last Five Years Onward. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from