Wireless Sensor Networks for Health care: Current Status and proposing a model in the perspective of emergency situations
Wireless, medical, health, covid-19, patients, pandemic.Abstract
Every human being wishes healthy living and avoid hospital visits but there are limitations due to various circumstances (age, accidents, health status, communicable and communicable diseases etc), Hence in this global world continuous health monitoring is important. Wireless technologies play vital role to treat patients suffering from communicable diseases like Covid-19, Hepatitis A, B, C, measles, influenza, salmonella etc. The increasing population of senior citizens and pre-existing disease patients (who are already suffering from any disease) require more wireless health monitoring devices because these groups having higher risk of severe covid-19. While treating these diseases shielding is mandatory not only for doctors, nurses but also for other frontline medical associative. Wireless sensors (wearable or non-wearable) performed vital role in current pandemic Covid-19 positive patients while monitoring them, treating them in isolated as well as non- isolated place or in case of limited self- protection kits. Rapid advancements in wireless sensors improving and enhancing the quality of care in critical conditions without physical contact with patients. Wireless body area network and wireless medical sensor area network is a new invention as a part of wireless sensor networks but Still various issues or challenges remain to be addressed. This Paper is aims to review of wireless sensor devices use in current covid-19 pandemic to reduce the threat of covid-19 while treating patients as well as future challenges or issues like security, reliability and privacy of medical data.
Keywords: Wireless, medical, health, covid-19, patients, pandemic.
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