Voice enabled Elevator system


  • Elham Ahmed Shinoon Nasser Al Saadi


COVID-19, Arduino, Voice Enabled


After the emergence of COVID-19 and its extremely rapid spread, especially through coming in contact with respiratory fluids, many students’ engineers, and scientists have worked to create papers or work on ideas that contribute to reducing the spread of the virus. With the development of technology and reliance on voice control interfaces and gestures in many papers, the idea of adopting voice in elevators instead of touch has been born. The problem that the paper will solve is moving away from physical contact with the elevator or touching the keypad, choosing the floor to reduce the spread of viruses by touching the elevator. The problem is solved by using a voice recognition module in the elevators instead of the keypad. The paper aims to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus by using voice to choose the floor number instead of touching the keypad to choose the floors in traditional push-button elevators. The paper is characterized by the presence of two characteristics, which are the voice and gestures, the voice through the voice recognition module that was controlled by the Arduino to receiving the voice of the user to select the required floor number, and the gestures through the IR Senser the user indicates to request the elevator to ascend or descend. T


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Hussain, S. M., & Al Saadi , E. A. S. N. . (2022). Voice enabled Elevator system. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from https://jsr.jofsr.org/index.php/path/article/view/1490