“Tijarat Al'Afkar” A mobile application for trading business ideas in Sultanate of Oman.


  • Mizna Mohammed Khaliyaf Al Nasseri Middle East College
  • Aparna Agarwal Middle East College
  • Vikas Rao Naidu Middle East College


Tijarat Al'Afkar, Mobile Application, Entrepreneurship, businessmen, idea, buy ideas, sell idea.


A key problem that fresh SME investors might encounter, is a poor selection of a commercial business idea leading to wastage of the economic resources with failed trades. Several businessmen might move in into money-making ventures lacking assurance on whether the business venture has scope in the targeted domain or clients, and most of the times the reason behind this not developing an appropriate trade strategy or taking recommendations from stakeholders who have experience in the related field.  This application will help the budding investors from the Sultanate of Oman, take a quantum leap in realizing their dreams. This application will not only assist companies or individuals to get consultation on their ideas or get support in the field of entrepreneurship, but will also give a platform to those individuals who have business ideas but require financial support for their materialization, as well as financiers who require intellectual sustenance and counsel prior to start-up of their projects. Through this application, individuals will discover the businesses who want to buy innovative and money-spinning ideas appropriate for them from the proprietors. This application will facilitate the buying and selling of ideas in an economical and sociable manner. One of the stakeholders is the owner of the idea, this will help people in increasing their income. The application is being developed for Android. It will be freely downloadable from Google Play Store. A questionnaire was circulated to approximately 50 people to get their opinion on the design and expectations of the application. 


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How to Cite

Mohammed Khaliyaf Al Nasseri, M. ., Agarwal, A., & Rao Naidu, V. (2022). “Tijarat Al’Afkar” A mobile application for trading business ideas in Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from https://jsr.jofsr.org/index.php/path/article/view/1495