Contactless Billing Solution for the Hypermarkets Using IoT


  • Omaimah Mahmood Mohammed Al Amri Middle East College
  • Aparna Agarwal Middle East College
  • Vikas Rao Naidu Middle East College


IoT, RFID, Arduino, automated billing, Mobile application


Contactless billing solutions considerably decrease the threat of contamination throughout the billing process. The viruses can stay alive on the outside or covers the items for several days. This can then be reached from people to people by touching the contaminated surfaces. All over the globe, strict sanitization methods are being put into place to prevent the spread of infections. In the hypermarkets, car parking, ticket counters, etc., contactless billing should be implemented to carry out the process with complete hygiene and human touch. This leads to a decrease in contamination rate and intrudes the chains of contamination. During day-to-day shopping from the hypermarkets, the buyers have to spend a lot of time billing at the counters. This leads to wastage of time, congestion, and fatigue. Crowds in the markets during discount offers, weekends, festivals, and other occasions lead to mismanagement of services due to long delays involved in the barcode-based billing process. This work aims at proposing a contactless billing solution based on the Internet of Things (IoT). It comprises of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) sensors, Arduino microcontroller, Bluetooth module, and Mobile application. The anticipated billing system can be deployed and tried at any marketable place for real-time testing. The methodology used in the research work to collect the information are literature review, SWOT analysis, and questionnaire (survey).


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References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Mahmood Mohammed Al Amri, O. ., Agarwal, A., & Rao Naidu, V. (2022). Contactless Billing Solution for the Hypermarkets Using IoT. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from