Evaluate the impact of KMS and DSS on success SMEs in Oman: A Case Study of SMEs Performance in Oman
Knowledge Management System and Decision Support System in SMEs in Oman
Knowledge, KMS, DSS, Innovative, Strategies, SMEs, Leadership CapabilitiesAbstract
Small and medium enterprises in Oman are considered one of the vital sectors that play a prominent role in economic growth, through the mechanism of improving the country's economic indicators, to keep pace with technological development and address issues (unemployment, development and poverty). The initiative and innovation also play an effective role in economic growth and raising the efficiency of the institution, as the interest in SMEs is an ideal solution to address the problems facing the economy and development, represented by stagnation, inflation and high unemployment rates. The social importance of these institutions lies in creating a productive community of young people that trusts their capabilities and believes in self-employment. This article will discuss achieving technological innovation and enhancing creative capabilities in small and medium enterprises in Oman, knowledge of innovation and entrepreneurship factors, challenges and mitigation measures facing these enterprises, the role of leadership behavior of managers and their results in decision-making, assessing the relationship between knowledge management and decision support in developing strategies from In order to promote SMEs. Finally, make recommendations for best knowledge management practices that SMEs can use to solve employee problems with leaders.
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