A Smart Solar Powered Vacuum Cleaner

Solar Powered Vacuum Cleaner


  • Ajitha 3ZWbNS sukumaran Mec
  • Sabrina Middle East College


Smart vacuum cleaner;, Light Dependent Resistor;, Bluetooth;, DC Motor;, Arduino;, Solar Panel


Cleaning is very important to protect the human health. With the help of a Smart Vacuum Cleaner, the cleaning of the surroundings in a daily basis. In this paper, proposed an efficient way to design and implement a solar energy based smart vacuum cleaner circuit with a Bluetooth module, using Arduino microcontroller. The two sensors Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sensor and Ultrasonic sensor at the input side, send input data to the Arduino microcontroller. It processes the data and controls the movement of the vacuum cleaner. In addition, this device has an automatic recharging unit along with battery. Once it is done with the cleaning process or at any time if the battery charge goes below threshold, the device will automatically recharge by using solar panel. LDR senses the intensity of sunlight, and the DC motor rotation moves the device to a light source to recharge the solar panel. After completing the cleaning process, the user receives notification to the registered mobile phone via Bluetooth. Th advantage of the device is the cleaning process is done in quickly compared to a manual cabled vacuum cleaner. It is portable, flexible, time saving and power efficient. Its applications are not limited to house cleaning, but also are very useful in food industries, barber shops, in parks to collect falling leaves or any surface that the DC motor can move on,


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Author Biographies

Ajitha 3ZWbNS sukumaran, Mec


Sabrina, Middle East College

Co Author

References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

sukumaran, A. 3ZWbNS, & MUSALLAMI, S. A. R. (2022). A Smart Solar Powered Vacuum Cleaner: Solar Powered Vacuum Cleaner. Journal of Student Research. Retrieved from https://jsr.jofsr.org/index.php/path/article/view/1520