An Investigation into Factors Influencing Car Driver Behaviour in Oman
Driver behavior, Traffic safety and Driver attitudesAbstract
Traffic crashes and accidents have been perceived as one of the real causes for human, financial and social misfortunes and losses both in developed and creating nations. Traffic flow particularly at peak time hours and practices and behavior of drivers are viewed as the most noteworthy contributory factors in road traffic accident. The point of this research is to investigate the Attitudes towards traffic safety and driving behavior among the Omani public, especially in Muscat. This study will be pursued using mixed method design qualitative research followed by quantitative research. The first phase will utilize a qualitative approach where qualitative data will obtain from sources namely interviews with traffic officers. The second phase will be the quantitative approach where questionnaires after pilot study will distributed to car drivers. Qualitative data will be analyses by using the constant comparative method and Measurable Package for the Sociologies (SPSS) variant 19. The created model proposes a few connections to supplement factors as "Age, road condition, weather, and traffic zone work" together to impact motor driver state of mind towards RTA association. Subsequently, the impact influences rise in street safety and lessens street car accidents, through interaction of these elements which could be considered as another or new measurement.
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