Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

a. Willamette University, Salem, OR, 97301




Amyl Nitrites: A Review of History, Epidemiology, and

Behavioral Usage

David Cheng

This paper looked into the abuse of inhalable nitrites, mainly amyl nitrites, commonly known by the street name of poppers.


paper compiled several studies of nitrite inhalant abuse and the risk associated with the sexual practices that may concur.


paper explores first, the history and true intentions of nitrite inhalants, then the increasing abuse mainly within the homosexual

community, and the legitimacy of the link of nitrites and the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Various studies discussed in the paper will

show that there is no legitimate link between poppers increasing the chance of HIV/AIDS but it is the unsafe sexual practices that

occur with poppers that lead to various sexually transmitted diseases.

The dangers of inhalable nitrites come from legal

loopholes, use with other drugs such as Viagra, and the nature of unsafe sexual practices mostly within the homosexual


Keywords: Drugs; Inhalants; Sex; Homosexual






ONO is the chemical formula of amyl nitrite; there

are several isomers but they all feature amyl groups with a

nitrite group attached.

Amyl nitrites falls into a group of drugs

which is more commonly known by the street name


Popper is a slang term to describe the various alkyl

nitrites such as isopropyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite, butyl and

amyl nitrites inhaled for recreational purposes.

Unlike most

other inhalants the effects of poppers don’t last very long and

don’t create the same ‘high’ as other inhalants (Meyer, 2005).

The name popper comes from the sound of the small glass

ampoules that were crushed to release the inhalants.


substance itself is a clear, yellowish liquid that has a peculiar

ethereal, fruity odor and is highly volatile (“Data sheet: Amyl

nitrite,” 2000).

All of these compounds are based upon the

chemical structure R-ONO.

The most commonly used

products for abuse are air freshener, video head cleaner, and

finger nail polish remover.

Nitrites relax smooth muscle tissue

such as the anus, iris and dilate blood vessels which cause a

drop in blood pressure (Cohen, 1979).

Poppers are almost

always inhaled for recreational use producing a sense of

warmth, mild euphoria, and sometimes visual distortions

(Kuhn, 2003).

Often the intention of popper users is to

increase sexual pleasure often among the homosexual

population due to the smooth muscle relaxation effects of the

drug. As will be seen, poppers have been the subject of

several studies attempting to link nitrite abuse with sexual

behavior (Colfax, 2001; Haverkos, 1988; Kennedy, 1988).

The medically intended uses of nitrites was to relieve heart

pain by dilating arteries allowing more blood flow to the heart

and as an antidote to cyanide poisoning by producing

methemoglobin in the blood stream which binds to and

neutralizes the cyanide.


The drug is popular among the club and rave scene and

nitrites as a chemical compound has been around since

the 1850s.

Amyl nitrite was originally created by Antoine

Jerome Balard, a French chemist known for the discovery of


However it was not until the late 1850s that Sir

Thomas Lauder Brunton used amyl nitrite as a treatment for

angina pectoris (chest pain).

Doctors discovered that amyl

nitrites helped to relax smooth muscle allowing increased

blood flow to reach the chest.

It was particularly effective in

the treatment of heart and chest pain.

However, doctors

noticed that the drug was unreliable at times with the effects

disappearing too rapidly to have any long term health


Amyl nitrite is still inhaled however when rapid

absorption is required for some heart problems.

It was also

found that amyl nitrites was an effective cyanide poising

antidote and EMTs today still carry amyl nitrite antidote kits.

In 1960, the FDA approved nitrites as an over the counter

drug without the need for a prescription.

One short year later,

the FDA instated a prescription requirement and only amyl

nitrites were approved for use in humans.

The popper craze

began in the 1970s and by 1979; over 5 million people in the

United States used poppers more than once a week (Haverkos,


Academic research into nitrites began in the 1970s

with mixed conclusions over the correlation of AIDs, HIV,

and Karposi’s sarcoma and abuse of inhaled nitrites.

Politically in the United States, politicians in Washington

were advised over the years that nitrite inhalation posed no

significant risk and that no further federal action was needed

(Kennedy, 1987).

Despite this, lawmakers banned the sale of

nitrites for human consumption.

Illicit use began with

adolescents in 1960 that purchased nitrites as recreational


Popper abuse really began to take off in the 1970s

as the disco club scene began to take over.

TIME magazine

reported that popper abuse (legal at the time) was a

fabrication of the homosexual population as a way to enhance

sex (Nation: Rushing to a New High, 1978).

Poppers quickly

spread to heterosexual couples and continued into the rave

and club scenes of the future.

Poppers contain nitrites that are

synthesized from alcohols and sodium nitrite in a solution of

sulfuric acid.

The solution is mixed and decomposes slowly at

room temperature and is bottled into small ampules for use.

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907





The Monitoring the Future Survey found that through

2007 to 2010 among 8th, 10th, and 12


graders, lifetime use

of inhalants is on the decline.

However, short term month to

month use appears to be on the rise; from 2007 to 2008 use

rose from 2.

1 percent to 2.

2 percent among 10th graders.


past year use appears to be increasing among all three grade

levels (Monitoring the Future, 2010).

The National Survey on

Drug Abuse and Health also shows that the majority of users

are adolescents between the ages of 12 – 17 and about 67

percent of users where less than 18 when they first used


(Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services

Administration, 2011).

Below is a chart from the National

Survey of Drugs and Health showing specific types of

inhalants abused by users aged 12 to 17 from 2002 to 2007.


1988 study found that 69% of men who had sex with other

men in the Baltimore/DC area used poppers (Lange, 1988).

When compared to other abused drugs, a more recent report

of 736 homosexual men in San Francisco, found poppers to

be the most widely abused substance when compared to

cocaine and methamphetamines (Colfax, 2005).


dated, it is positive to see a 1987 survey commissioned by the

US Senate that found only 3% of Americans had even used

poppers (Kennedy, 1987).

Also interesting, about 20% of the

teenage population in the United Kingdom (UK) abuses

nitrites due to it being legal in the UK.

Nitrite abuse among

users was more frequently reported among the white

population relative to blacks or Hispanics and more often

abused by men than women (Haverkos, 1988).

Although amyl

nitrite abuse isn’t has high as other inhalants it still poses an

inherent risk to abusers and data indicates that nitrite abuse is

on the rise.

This may be caused by a perception that inhalants

aren’t as dangerous as other types of drugs such as cocaine or



Like many inhalants, the route of administration is nasal.

The inhaled nitrites quickly reach the lungs and diffuse

through the pulmonary alveoli and into the capillaries full of

oxygen rich blood on its way to the heart.

The heart then

quickly distributes the nitrites to tissues in the body allowing

an effect to be felt quickly.

Average times for the onset of

effects are about thirty seconds and the effects last anywhere

from three to five minutes (Wolters Kluwers Health, 2009).

Not enough research has been done to confirm the

metabolism but it is believed that nitrites are metabolized by

hydrolytic denitration and about a third of the drug is excreted







pharmacodynamics are not known for sure but the acute

effects of volatile inhalants like nitrites often produce effects

similar to alcohol intoxication (Meyer& Quenzner,2005).


effects are very consistent and users can expect headaches,

flushing of the skin, dizziness, weakness, and in very high

does can cause anesthesia, loss of consciousness and even

comas (Kuhn, 2003).

Users report that they get a feeling of

warmth, pounding hearts, and a loss of inhibitions.

The ocular

organs also have increased intraocular pressure and

supraorbital pain.

Inhaled nitrites also appear to be able to

interact with endogenous trivalent nitrogen compounds that

produce nitrosamines that are known to be carcinogens

(Haverkos, 1988).

It is widely believed that there is a correlation between

nitrite abuse and AIDS/HIV however there are multiple

studies that suggested there is no correlation between the two

(Kennedy, 1988).

Amyl nitrites are abused mainly for their

muscle relaxing effects for easier anal and vaginal sex.


claim that poppers help prolong erections and increase libido.

The real value is the effect of the “relaxation of rectal smooth

muscle and anal sphincter tone, thus facilitating intromission”

(Haverkos, 1988).

In other words the relaxation of the anus

helps reduce the pain and increase the ease of penetration.

Haverkos (1988) also states that the illicit usefulness of amyl

nitrites has allowed it to pass into every corner of gay life.

The issues of poppers are that when they are abused for sex,

questionable and unsafe sexual behavior can occur and many

believe poppers are a contributing factor towards the

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human

Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic.

According to

Colfax (2001), amyl nitrite abuse is the third highest risk

indicator of having unprotected anal sex behind Viagra and

crystal meth.

This is significant considering the ease of

availability of poppers that can be purchased online with just

a credit card.

According to Schwarcz (2007), a study

conducted on homosexual and bisexual men in San Francisco

found that 29.

1 percent of HIV positive men used amyl


It is interesting to note that the same study showed

that 87.

2 percent of HIV positive and 78.

9 percent of HIV

negative men had intercourse with a male compared to only

2.3 and 9.

6 percent of the HIV positive and negative groups

saying they had intercourse with a female.

Based off of this

data, it could be concluded that amyl nitrite abuse is most

common among the homo and bisexual male population.


only drug that was used more than amyl nitrites in the

Schwarcz (2007) study was Viagra and that remained constant

in both the HIV positive and negative community.


Schwarcz (2007) study found that 44.

2 and 22.

4 percent of the

HIV positive and negative groups used Viagra and because

amyl nitrites are the most used drug after Viagra, this can be


Amyl nitrites are contraindicative with other

vasodilators like Viagra and, when used in combination, can

cause a serious decrease in blood pressure that can lead to

fainting, strokes, and heart attacks.

The link between Viagra

use and popper use could be because the side effects of amyl

nitrites can cause erectile problems prompting the use of


Haverkos (1998) also found that individuals that used

poppers frequently had almost two times more partners a

week than those who never used nitrites.

Occasional users had

about one and a half times more partners than those who

never used.

Nutt (2007) suggests that nitrites as a group have the

second least addictive potential and is the third least harmful

among the twenty most commonly abused drugs.

Despite this,

there are still a variety of other health problems associated

with nitrites that are particularly dangerous.

Only amyl nitrite

is produced for legitimate medical use in humans and is

approved by the FDA.

This means other nitrites commonly

found in poppers such as butyl nitrite and akyl nitrites are

industrial chemicals and could be harmful.

The major

problem is when nitrites are swallowed instead of inhaled.


ingesting nitrites, a person runs the risk of

methemoglobinemia, a condition in which the nitrites

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




interfere with the way oxygen bonds with hemoglobin in the


Ingesting nitrites has the similar effects of cyanide

poising but to a slower degree.

Awareness of the negative

effects of nitrite abuse was being raised in the early 1970s

because of the growing concern over AIDs.

The belief that

nitrite inhalation was a factor in AIDs was well warranted as

the first five homosexual men with AIDs that were reported to

the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) all abused nitrite

inhalants (Centers for Disease and Control, 1981).

Another risk that was believed was an effect of poppers

early in the AIDS epidemic was the development of Kaposi’s


Kaposi’s sarcoma is a kind of skin cancer that is one

of the most common symptoms of AIDs.

It was also another

public perception that poppers were the cause of Kaposi’s

sarcoma however several subsequent research into the matter

showed that it was the sexual “actions” that were responsible

for obtaining the AIDs related skin cancer (Beral, 1992).

Actions such as fisting and rimming are thought to be the

main causes and that the faecal-oral contact are the main

routes of transmission of Kaposi’s sarcoma in homosexual

and bisexual men with AIDs.

It could be said that the poppers

ability to relax the anus can be blamed for some the actions

that could be associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma and the sexual

behavior associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma but Beral (1992)

claims the cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma was somewhat rare

prior to the outbreak of AIDs, suggesting that AIDs is the

main factor.

Another study also theorized that a history of

Syphilis, not the use of poppers, was the underlying cause for

Kaposi’s sarcoma.

Haverkos (1988) compiled data showing

that patients with a history of Syphilis are two times more

likely to contract Kaposi’s sarcoma.

An idea that has been presented about the association

between HIV/AIDS and nitrite usage is that nitrites suppress

the immune system.

A study done on eighteen male

volunteers found that nitrite inhalation did indeed suppress the

immune system.

The number of T - lymphocytes, the site of

attack of HIV and AIDs, temporarily decreased (but not to a

dangerous degree) during inhalation and returned to normal

levels after about a week (Dax, 1991).

Nitrite inhalation

causes a little more vulnerability to HIV and AIDs as

suggested by the investigation but there is not a significant

long term risk unless the drug is heavily abused.

It is

conceivable that popper users could use them several times

over the course of a day or weekend which makes it a very

interesting suggestion of how HIV and AIDs could spread.

However, this is really only limited to the sexually active

population with access to the drug which is mainly in

industrialized Western countries.

There has also been concern over possible eye damage in

habitual popper users.

In a report of six patients who abused

poppers, doctors noted that all patients experienced

progressive bilateral vision loss (Audo, 2011).


believed that the repeated use of poppers causes vision loss

due to disruption of the foveal cone but also suggested that

the damage may heal itself if popper use is stopped.


other side effects include burns if the nitrites are spilled on

skin and can cause lipoid pneumonia if accidently swallowed

into the lungs.

Lipoid pneumonia is when oils enters into, and

inflames, the lungs.

Users can develop a tolerance to the drug and there are

symptoms from withdrawal.

The most common problems

with withdrawal are cardiac and circulatory problems and

patients are usually prescribed nitroglycerin patches (Kuhn,


The issue is the tolerance that has been built up by use

of poppers that reduce the effectiveness of nitroglycerin

patches and the cardiac problems that accompany with this.

Another health issue is a possibility of cancer.


nitrites interact with endogenous trivalent nitrogen

compounds to produce nitrosamines.

Nitrosamines are well

established carcinogens in animal studies with increased

nitrites in diets leading to liver cancer (Newell,1985).

Although no direct studies on humans have been conducted, it

is thought that nitrosamines can cause gastric cancer (Hill,


Although there may be evidence linking nitrite

inhalants and cancer, one would probably have to be a

habitual user of nitrite inhalants to significantly increase the

chance of cancer.


It is important to discuss the legal aspects of poppers

because of the unique situation of being a medically approved

product but also an industrial chemical agent.

Amyl nitrite

requires a prescription after wide spread abuse in the 1960s.

Other nitrites such as alkyl nitrites were banned by the United

States in the Anti – Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


the law was only for human consumption and granted an

exception for products with commercial purpose.


this means that as long as a manufacturer claims the product

is not intended for human consumption, it is legal.


allows poppers to be legally sold, usually in sex shops, as

video head cleaner, polish remover, and room air refreshers as

industrial products intended for uses other than human


It is easy to see however that these products are

truly intended for human consumption and what is more

ironic is that they are not regulated by the FDA because,

technically, this is an industrial product.

This legal loophole,

although beneficial to manufactures, can be harmful to the

consumer because of unregulated production practices.


claiming nitrite poppers are deodorizers and video head

cleaners, this completely bypasses the safety tests that each

drug must go through in order to be sold to the population.


is also incredibly ironic that labels warning against the

dangers of inhalation are on the ampules of poppers such as

Rush, however the intention is for the nitrite to be inhaled.


the early 1990s, most Western nations outlawed the sale and

importation of alkyl nitrites for inhalant uses.


however remain legal in many countries like the United

Kingdom and China and are easily purchased by adolescents.


In conclusion, nitrite poppers are most often used in the

homosexual male population for sexual pleasure.


there should be done more to control the use and sale of


It can be argued that nitrites should be banned due to

its role in the AIDs and HIV epidemic.

But this is only

because of the unsafe sex practiced under the influence of


Studies such as Kennedy (1988) have found no link

between HIV/AIDS and popper use.

However, it is uncertain

if there is correlation or causal relation between popper use

and HIV/AIDS due to numerous underlying factors and the

difficulty of conducting a true experiment.

No studies also

have been conducted on the long term health effects of

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




repeated popper abuse either.

Also, nitrite inhalants do not

significantly decrease immune function enough to contract

HIV/AIDS commonly (Dax, 1991).

The immune systems

studied also returned to normal health fairly quickly so there

isn’t a long term immune function decrease.

The effect of

poppers on sexual behavior is very large especially in the

homosexual community.

The health risks associated with

poppers cannot be denied as diseases such as Kaposi’s

sarcoma and AIDS are much more common among

homosexual populations and unsafe sex practices are to


Poppers do not necessarily lead to sexually transmitted

disease but it is the unsafe sex practices stemming from

popper use.

More sex education should be provided to the

population detailing the dangers of poppers and ways to

safely use them.

Further the legal loophole that allows for

inhalable nitrites to exist without medical prescription needs

to be closed.

If the loophole is not addressed then nitrite

inhalants should be classified as a drug and undergo the safety

testing that they currently avoid by being labeled as


Amyl nitrites should only be used for its

medically intended functions, not for its purposes in the

homosexual universe.


The author wishes to express sincere appreciation to

Willamette University, the psychology department for their

support, and especially to Professor Brian J.

Piper for his

patience and knowledge.

An earlier version of this review was

completed as part of a course, Neuropharmacology and

Behavior, by Brian J.

Piper, PhD.


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