Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

a. College of Education, Department of Kinesiology, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK


Exploring the Relationship between Trunk Adiposity and

Trunk Flexibility

TaNiqua Ward


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between trunk adiposity and trunk flexibility among adults.

Methods: A total of 29 participants, male (n=11) and female (n=18) participants between the ages of 19 and 84 years.


participants were recruited from the University of Central Oklahoma daily email news service.

The bioelectrical impedance

analyzer (BIA) was used to calculate percent body fat and body mass index (BMI).

Three circumference measurements were

taken on each participant: waist, abdomen, and hips.

The two inclinometers were placed on the sacroiliac joint (S1) and thoracic

12 (T12) to measure trunk flexion and extension.

Trunk flexibility was measured as the difference between the two readings at

full flexion or extension.

Results: The Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was used to analyze the results.

There was a

significant negative relationship between trunk flexion correlated with abdomen circumference (r= -.49, p= .01) and hip

circumference (r= -.39, p= .03).

There was a non- significant relationship observed between trunk flexion and WHR (r= -.10, p=

.62) and waist circumference (r= -.35, p= .06).

There was a non-significant relationship observed between trunk extension and

waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) (r= -.07, p= .71), waist circumference (r= .17, p= .38), abdomen circumference (r= .07, p= .71), and hip

circumference (r= .29, p= .13).

Trunk flexion was not correlated to BMI (r= -.27, p= .15) and body fat percentage (r= -.29, p=

.14). A significant relationship was found between trunk extension and BMI (r= .38, p= .04).

Trunk extension and body fat

percentage (r= .02, p= .92) did not have a significant relationship.

Conclusion: Abdomen and hips are most beneficial when

measuring circumferences for trunk adiposity.

It was found that trunk flexion has a greater relationship with trunk adiposity than

trunk extension.

Keywords: Flexibility, Adiposity


Flexibility is considered an important component of

physical fitness.

It is defined as an individual’s joints going

through a range of motion (Singh N.

, Singh R.

, & Singh S.



Adiposity is considered to be the amount of fat

accumulated within the body (Mark & Janssen, 2011).


study examines both flexibility and adiposity of trunk region

of the body.

The purpose of this study is to examine the

relationship between trunk adiposity and trunk flexibility

among adults.

The hypothesis of this study is that individuals

with less adiposity as indicated by smaller circumferences

will have a larger range of motion in the trunk region.

Very few studies have examined the relationship

between trunk adiposity and trunk flexibility.

Only six studies

were found that observed either the combination of flexibility

and exercise programs or flexibility and body composition.

This study is examining the relationship between trunk

flexibility and trunk adiposity.

It will closely observe

circumferences and the relationship with flexion and


In this study the knowledge of trunk adiposity can

allow an individual to focus on a larger joint such as the spine

that needs to be flexible for an increasing range of motion.

The trunk region of the body is an important part of flexibility

because it involves bending forward, backward, and twisting


These motions are essential to physical fitness

because it relates to the functioning of the body (Boraczyński

& Boraczyńska, 2009).



There were a total of 29 participants, male (n=11) and

female (n=18) participants between the ages of 19 and 84


The study was approved by the University of Central

Oklahoma (UCO) Institutional Review Board (IRB) and all

the participants completed a written informed consent.


participants were recruited through the University of Central

Oklahoma daily email news service.

Instruments and Procedures

The participants had height and weight measured using

the UCO digital SECA scale.

Height and weight were entered

into the bioelectrical impedance analyzer (BIA) to calculate

percent body fat and body mass index (BMI).


circumference measurements were taken on each participant

using the Gulick tape measure: waist, abdomen, and hips.


waist measurement was taken at the smallest area of the trunk.

The abdomen was measured at the naval and the hips were

measured at the widest part of the bottom area of the trunk.

The participant had the beginning of their sacroliliac joint

located (S1).

Once the S1 was located the thoracic 12 (T12)

was estimated 15 centimeters (cm) above the S1.


participant completed flexion first.

Participants were

instructed to reach down and touch their toes five times.


the sixth repetition, the two inclinometers were placed on SI

and T12 and zeroed.

The participant held their position

reaching their toes until the measurement was taken.

Extension was measured using a similar technique as flexion.

The participants had to lie down on a table in a prone


The participant was instructed to arch their back five


On the sixth repetition, the inclinometers were placed

on the two sites and zeroed.

They held the position until the

measurement was taken.

Trunk flexibility was measured as

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




the difference between the two readings at full flexion or


Statistical Analysis

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was

used to analyze the data.

Measures of trunk adiposity included

waist circumference, abdominal circumference, hip

circumference, and WHR.

Total body composition was also

assessed as BMI and percent body fat.

Two measures of trunk

flexibility were measured: trunk flexion and trunk extension.

The Pearson's Product Moment Correlation was used to

examine relationships between measures of trunk adiposity

and trunk flexibility as well as relationships between total

body composition and trunk flexibility.

Literature Review

According to Boraczyński and Boraczyńska (2009)

physical activity can have an impact on flexibility.

This study

examined the different types of physical activity and how it

can influence flexibility.

The two different physical activity

methods examined were physical education (n=235) and

physiotherapy (n=142).

Flexibility was tested by the sit-and-

reach test.

Prior to completing the test the students had their

body composition tested by a Tanita BC 418 MA body

composition analyzer.

The results indicated that the students

in the physical education were within normal range for body

mass and body fat, whereas the students in the physiotherapy

were overweight.

The students in the physical education (6.


cm and 6.

3 cm in men and women) had significantly higher

flexibility levels (p<0.001) on the sit-and-reach test than the

physiotherapy students.

It was concluded that the greater

amount of physical activity a student has the higher level of

physical fitness and flexibility will be demonstrated.

A similar study conducted by Sekendiz, Altun,

Korkusuz, and Akin (2007) examined the impact of Pilates on

trunk strength, endurance, and flexibility.

A total of 38

women participated in the study.

There were 21 women that

were part of the Pilates exercise group and 17 women part of

the control group.

The Pilates group had a total of 15 sessions,

three sessions a week for five consecutive weeks.

Both the

Pilates group and the control group were given pre and post

testing on the variables measured.

Posterior trunk flexibility

was measured doing the sit-and- reach test.

Body fat was

measured using skin-fold thickness.

BMI was calculated from

weight and height.

The results were analyzed using an

independent sample t-test to examine the significant

difference between the pre and post testing in the Pilates and

control group.

The results indicated that there was no

difference between the two groups in BMI and body fat


However, there was a significant difference

(p<0.05) between the two groups in posterior trunk flexibility.

The author concluded that Pilates exercises were effective at

improving trunk flexibility.

Another study was conducted that examined body

composition and flexibility; however, it categorized the

participants into groups based on health status.

The study that

observed the relationship between the components of

nutritional status, waist circumference, physical activity, and

flexibility in boys was performed by Fernandes et al.


A total of 74 boys participated in the study.

The boys had

height and weight measured and then used the BIA to

compute the percentage of body fat.

The percentage was used

for nutritional status and to categorize the boys: well

nourished (G1), overweight (G2), and obese (G3).


activity was measured by the boys completing the

International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ).

Flexibility was measured using the sit and reach test.

The sit

and reach then classified the boys as “fit” or “unfit” based on

age and gender.

Waist circumference was measured using an

anthropometric tape measure.

The data was analyzed by the

analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the differences in

nutritional statuses.

The results indicated that the larger waist

circumferences were found in group G3.

According to body

fat levels and flexibility using the sit and reach there was a

significant difference (p=0.048) between G1 and G3.

G1 were

able to produce the highest levels of flexibility.

G2 did not

have a significant difference from G1 and G3.

The results also

found that there was a significant correlation in G3 with body

fat and sit and reach (p=0.025).

Physical activity levels and sit

and reach were found to have significant correlations in G1


In conclusion there is not a difference between the

well nourished boys (G1) and the overweight boys (G2).

However, the obese boys (G3) were found to have their

flexibility levels impacted due to weight and body


Body fat percentage was found to have an

influence on the flexibility performing the sit-and-reach test.

While this study examined male’s body composition and

flexibility, another study examined females.

Pasbakhsh, Ghanbarzadeh, and Ebadi (2011) examined

female students and their relationship between skinfold, BMI,

and physical activity.

A total of 308 females between the ages

of 11-13 were randomly selected to participate in the study.

Skinfolds were taken at three sites: triceps, quadriceps, and


Skinfolds were used to calculate the percentage of

body fat.

The students were then divided into three groups

based on percentage of body fat.

The groups were categorized

as low, medium, and high.

BMI was calculated from height

and weight.

Physical activity was measured with American

Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

(AAHPER) tests that included performing sit ups with the bar,

sit ups, flexibility with the sit and reach, and running.

Pearson’s correlation was used to analyze the results.


on the physical fitness tests and body fat percentage there was

a significant correlation (p<0.001).

When results were being

examined it was illustrated that there was an inverse

relationship between flexibility and percentage of body fat.

Flexibility and percentage body fat had a significant weak

negative correlation (r=-0.244, p<0.01).

The author concluded

that the percentages of body fat and physical fitness have an

inverse relationship.

A study that was found by Li-ming et al.


observed anthropometric indices as a predictor of trunk

obesity in Chinese adults.

The purpose of the study was to

find the best method of measuring trunk obesity.

A total of

1,946 adults aged 20-40 years old participated in the study

(853 women and 1,093 men).

The participants had height and

weight measured which was then used to calculate BMI.

Three waist and hip circumferences were measured using an

anthropometric tape at the narrowest part of the waist, the

iliac crest, and the maximum part of the buttocks.


hip ratio (WHR) was calculated using the measurements.

Total fat mass was measured by using the dual x-ray

absorptiometry scan (DXA).

The conicity index (C index)

was calculated from waist circumference.

The results

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




indicated that men and women’s total fat mass was

significantly correlated (p<0.0001) to BMI (r=0.85 and

r=0.76 in men and women), waist circumference (r=0.80 and

r=0.72 in men and women), WHR (r=0.45 and r= 0.40 in men

and women), and C index (r=0.45 and r=0.34 in men and


It was observed that BMI and waist circumference

were better predictors of trunk obesity in Chinese adults than

WHR and C index.

While this study examined a demographic

population for trunk adiposity, the following study examined

athlete’s trunk adiposity and flexibility.

Singh N.

, Singh R.

, and Singh S.

, (2011) conducted a

study that examined trunk flexibility and body composition of


Fifty university football (n=25) and badminton

(n=25) players completed the sit-and-reach and skinfold

thickness assessments.

Once the data was collected software

was used to find results by using the one tailed t-test with a

significance (p=0.05).

The results indicated that there was no

significant difference in football and badminton players

flexibility (t=0.321).

There was also no significant difference

found in the percentage body fat (t=0.09) and total body fat

(t=1.005) between the two groups.

Although all the raw

scores of the football players were slightly higher than the

badminton players it did not influence flexibility between the

two athletes.

There have been few studies conducted on trunk

flexibility and trunk adiposity.

The studies that were observed

concluded that there is a relationship between adiposity and

flexibility of the trunk region.

Many of the individuals in the

studies that had a higher BMI or body fat percentage were not

able to perform flexibility as well as the individuals with

lower percentages.

There needs to be more research on the

relationship between trunk flexibility and adiposity.


knowledge of appropriate circumference and weight can help

individuals increase range of motion.


The descriptive statistics for trunk flexibility, trunk

adiposity, and total body composition are presented in Table

1. The Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation values are

shown in Table 2.

Relationships between trunk flexion and measures of

trunk adiposity were examined.

There was a non-significant

relationship observed between trunk flexion and WHR (r= -

.10, p= .62) and waist circumference (r= -.35, p= .06).

On the

contrary, there were significant moderate negative

relationships between trunk flexion and the circumference of

the abdomen (r= -.49, p= .01) and hips (r= -.39, p= .03).

In addition, correlations between trunk extension and

measures of trunk adiposity were examined.

A non-significant

relationship was observed between trunk extension and WHR

(r= -.07, p= .71), waist circumference (r= .17, p= .38),

abdomen circumference (r= .07, p= .71), and hip

circumference (r= .29, p= .13).

Relationships between trunk

flexibility and measures of total body composition were also


Trunk flexion was not significantly correlated with

BMI (r= -.27, p= .15) or body fat percentage (r= -.29, p= .14).

When correlations between trunk extension and BMI were

examined, a significant moderate positive relationship was

found (r= .38, p= .04).

Trunk extension and body fat

percentage (r= .02, p= .92) did not have a significant


Age of the participants was an additional variable that

was examined.

Age had a significant strong negative

relationship with trunk flexion (r= -.59, p= .001).

There was a

non-significant negative relationship between age and trunk

extension (r= -.29, p= .12).

Table 1

Descriptive Statistics





Age (years)





Waist Circumference (cm)





Abdominal Circumference (cm)





Hip Circumference (cm)





Waist-to-hip ratio





Body Mass Index (kg/m







Body Fat (percentage)





Flexion (degree)





Extension (degree)





Table 2

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Values
































































Note. Waist= WST, Abdomen=AB, Waist-to-hip ratio=WHR, Body Mass Index=BMI, Body Fat=BF, Flexion=FL,


* Correlation is significant at the 0.

05 level

** Correlation is significant at the 0.

01 level

Figure 1.

The scatter plot illustrates that the range of trunk flexion and abdomen circumference.

There was a significant

moderate negative relationship (r


= .24, p= .01) between trunk flexion and abdomen circumference.

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




Figure 2.

The scatter plot illustrates the relationship between trunk flexion and hip circumference.

There was a significant

moderate negative relationship (r


= .152, p= .03) between trunk flexion and hip circumference.

Figure 3.

The scatter plot illustrates the range of trunk extension and BMI.

There was a significant moderate positive relationship



= .146, p= .04) between trunk extension and BMI.

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




Figure 4.

The scatter plot illustrates the range of trunk flexion and age.

There was a significant strong negative relationship (r



.348, p= .001) between trunk flexion and age.


Trunk flexibility and trunk adiposity were found to have

relationships indicated by the correlation values.

The primary

questions of this study examined the relationships between

measures of trunk adiposity and trunk flexibility.

The results

of this study showed that some measures of trunk adiposity

are related to trunk flexion.

The participants that had less

trunk adiposity were able to perform trunk flexion better than

those with larger amounts of trunk adiposity.

Trunk Flexibility and Trunk Adiposity

The only significant correlations were found between

trunk flexion and circumferences.

The results that were found

indicated that there was a significant moderate negative

relationship between abdomen circumference (r= -.49, p= .01)

and hip circumference (r= -.39, p= .03).

The lower the

circumference of the abdomen and hip the larger range of

motion the individual had in trunk flexion.

The relationships

found between circumferences and trunk extensions were

found to be non- significant.

This indicates that trunk flexion

may have a greater relationship with trunk adiposity than

trunk extension.

Trunk flexion having a greater relationship with trunk

adiposity may be due to the placement of the fat storage.


is being stored in the abdominal area which is in front of the

body. The larger the amount of fat in front makes it more

difficult to have a larger range of motion to do flexion which

is performed by bending forward.

Trunk extension may not

have as great of a relationship because there is limited

variability in trunk extension and the storage placement of

where fat is stored.

There have not been many changes seen in

trunk extension and trunk adiposity.

It is more difficult to find

relationships between trunk extension and trunk adiposity


Trunk Flexibility and Total Body Composition

The relationship between trunk flexibility and total body

composition was examined as a secondary question.

The only

significant relationship found was between trunk extension

and BMI (r= .38, p= .04).

The components height and weight

are measured to calculate BMI.

The relationship between

trunk adiposity and BMI can also be related to the

individual’s health status.

Individuals with greater BMI levels

are more likely to be overweight or obese.

Those individuals

with greater BMI levels possibly store more fat than those that

have lower BMI levels (Fernandes et al.

, 2007).


generalization does have an exception for some individuals.

The use of BMI as an indicator of body fat is not always

accurate for children or athletes.

The finding that trunk extension is positively correlated

with BMI is surprising.

Most of the findings are related to

trunk flexion and adiposity.

Majority of testing that has been

conducted measures trunk flexion, few studies measure trunk


There have not been many research studies on

trunk flexibility and BMI.

However, studies do suggest that

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




body composition is related to trunk flexibility instead of

trunk extension.

The Impact of Age

Although age was not a primary variable measured in

this study, it may be helpful in understanding the relationships

that were observed.

There was a wide age range of

participants in this study from 19-84 years.

Age can influence

flexibility in many ways.

Older adults have a higher body fat

percentage than younger adults due to sarcopenia, which is

the loss of muscle mass due to age (Puthoof & Neilsen, 2007).

The decline in strength and power gradually causes functional

limitations in older adults.

Also, as adults age they can have a

decreased range of motion (Bell & Hoshizaki, 1981).


adults had lower levels of trunk flexion and extension when

compared to younger adults which is indicated in Figure 4.

Other factors that influence flexibility include gender of


Females tend to have greater flexibility than


Also, the lower extremity joints tend to decline at a

faster rate than upper extremity joints.

There was not a

relationship between trunk extension and age due to the

limited variability in trunk extension.

However, there was a

significant strong negative relationship between flexion and

age (r= -.59, p= .001).


Based on this study trunk flexion has a negative

moderate relationship with adiposity.

The circumference of

the abdomen and hips appear to be most closely related to

trunk flexion.

Adults need flexibility because it is an

important component of functional fitness (Klein, Stone,

Phillips, Gangi, & Hartman, 2002).

Stretching can help

increase flexibility in joints.

All the major muscle groups need

to be stretched once a day as recommended by American

College of Sports Medicine (Pollock et al.

, 1998).

It was been

found through other research that increasing flexibility is most

beneficial when combining stretching with an exercise

regimen (Cavani, Mier, Musto, & Tummers, 2002).

This can

improve range of motion while also targeting physical



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