Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

a. Marywood University, Scranton, PA




Physical and Emotional Impacts of the Caregiving


Pamela R.



and Cindy L.



Informal caregiving has become a widespread phenomenon, with family members and friends providing care for patients who

have chronic or terminal illnesses and prefer to remain in their homes.

The physical and emotional impacts of this unpaid work

upon the caregiver can range from minor to severe.

This study sought to identify qualities about the caregiving situation that may

relate to the presentation of physical and/or emotional symptoms in the caregiver through the use of a researcher-generated

survey with a non-random population in rural Pennsylvania.

The authors hypothesized that frequency, duration, and invasiveness

of the caregiving situation would impact upon the caregiver.

Results of the study corroborated those of national studies that

linked negative physical and emotional effects with increased frequency and duration of care.

However, no correlation was found

between positive emotions and the variables tested.

Keywords: Caregiving, Caregiver, Family caregiver, At-home care, Informal caregiving


According to the National Alliance of Caregivers (NAC,

2009), “caregivers are defined as those who provide unpaid

care to an adult or a child with special needs…” (p.

2). While

this is a noble undertaking, quite often, informal caregiving is

provided at the physical, emotional, and financial expense of

the caregiver (Brewer & Chu, 2008; NAC, 2009; Perrig-

Chiello & Hutchison, 2010).

Like non-caregiving individuals,

family caregivers are subjected to everyday stressors.


process frequently unfolds while the caregiver is also

fulfilling the role of child, spouse, parent, etc.

, thus the aptly

named Sandwich Generation (Jordan & Cory, 2010; Ugwu,


In addition to the demands of attending to a loved one,

at-home caregivers may also perform or assist in the activities

of daily living for the patient, such as bathing, dressing,

feeding, incontinence care, etc.

The cumulative effect on the

caregiver’s physical and emotional wellbeing often results in

exhaustion, stress-related illness, and mood changes, among


The purpose of this study was to understand how the

demands of the caregiving role affected caregivers physically

and emotionally.

Review of Related Literature

Healthcare services (hospital, nursing home, hospice,

etc.) provided to individuals with agerelated illness or

chronic health conditions consume a great deal of resources

from Medicare and Medicaid (Institute of Medicine [IOM],


According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, in

collaboration with AARP (2009, p.

4): “In the [previous] 12

months, an estimated 65.

7 million people in the U.

S. [had]

served as unpaid family caregivers to an adult or a child”,

with a staggering 31.

2% of households having an individual

who had provided unpaid caregiving within the same time

period (p.

4). Houser and Gibson, on behalf of the AARP

Public Policy Institute (2008), state: “The estimated economic

value of their unpaid contributions was approximately $375

billion in 2007, up from an estimated $350 billion in 2006”

(p. 1).

Although home health and hospice agencies provide care

in private homes, they do not provide around-the-clock care.

Supplemental assistance is often needed; however, this can

present a financial burden for the patient or the family.


patient receiving care frequently prefers to reside in his/her

home. Thus, the patient’s spouse, child, sibling, friend, or

other individual undertakes the role of informal, unpaid

caregiver, thereby assuming not only the financial burdens of

care, but the physical and emotional effects as well.

While numerous studies recognize that informal

caregiving provides a tremendous financial adjunct in the care

of veterans, children with special needs, individuals with

intellectual and developmental disabilities, and aging

Americans (Brewer & Chu, 2008; Evercare & NAC, 2007,

2009; Houser & Gibson, 2008; Vitaliano & Katon, 2006), to

date, no legislation exists to support these unpaid caregivers.

Though the economic impact is staggering, it was beyond the

scope of this study.

However, given the overwhelming

numbers of individuals who provide athome care in

America, the authors chose to focus on the physical and

emotional impacts of caregiving upon the caregiver,

specifically upon those whose loved ones received services

from local home health or hospice agencies in rural


Many studies have reported on the negative effects of

caregiving, such as: declining health of the caregiver, stress,

depression, increased financial burden, and impaired social

and vocational relationships (Brewer & Chu, 2008; Evercare

& NAC, 2007, 2009; Houser & Gibson, 2008; NAC &

AARP, 2009; Perrig-Chiello & Hutchison, 2010; Vitaliano &

Katon, 2006).

In order to augment these findings, the

researchers in the present study examined the relationships

between the frequency, duration and invasiveness of care and

the wellbeing of the caregiver.

Hunt (2003) found that more

recent research has been focused on the positive impacts of

caregiving suggesting “supporting family caregivers

…[may]… improve quality of care and quality of life for both

patients and family caregivers” (p.


In their caregiver

assessment, Monin and Schulz (2010) theorized that the stage

of caregiving (early, middle, or late in the disease process)

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




could be an important indicator of positive impacts in the

caregiving experience, with more positive effects reported by

those providing care in the early stages of illness, possibly

because the caregiver may feel s/he has more control in

helping the care recipient at this early phase.


Ekwall and Hallberg (2007) found that a higher number of

weekly caregiver hours actually indicated a higher level of

caregiver satisfaction.

Likewise, this study sought to ascertain the relationship

between caregiving and the positive or negative impacts

experienced by the caregiver.

To summarize, the following research questions were


Does the duration of family caregiving impact the

physical or emotional wellbeing of the caregiver?

Does the frequency of physical or household tasks

performed by the caregiver impact the physical or

emotional wellbeing of the caregiver?

Does the provision of high invasive/high intimacy

types of duties (e.

g., ostomy care, wound care,

incontinence care, etc.

) have an impact upon the

physical or emotional wellbeing of caregivers?

Do low invasive/low intimacy types of duties (e.


feeding, medication administration, grooming) have

an impact upon the physical or emotional wellbeing

of caregivers?

In examining the above questions, the researchers developed

several hypotheses that were evaluated in the study.



Providing informal caregiving for extended periods

of time (less than 6 months to more than one year)

will have an impact on the physical states of the


Providing informal caregiving for extended periods

of time (less than 6 months to more than one year)

will have an impact on the emotional states of the


Providing informal caregiving more frequently

(more than 3 days each week) will have an impact

on the physical states of the caregiver.

Providing informal caregiving more frequently

(more than 3 days each week) will have an impact

on the emotional states of the caregiver.

Informal caregivers who engage in high

invasive/high intimacy types of duties (e.

g., ostomy

care, wound care, incontinence care, etc.

) will

experience physical impacts.

Informal caregivers who engage in high

invasive/high intimacy types of duties (e.

g., ostomy

care, wound care, incontinence care, etc.

) will

experience emotional impacts.

Informal caregivers who engage in low

invasive/low intimacy types of duties (e.

g., feeding,

grooming, medication administration, etc.

) will

experience satisfaction.

The independent variables in the above hypotheses were,

respectively: the duration of caregiving; the frequency of

caregiving; and for the last three, the invasiveness and

intimacy of the caregiving duty, to a greater or lesser extent.

These contributing factors in the caregiving experience were

expected to be quite diverse given the myriad caregiving

situations in this study and so were considered independent

based on that diversity.

The dependent variables are the

physical and emotional impacts of caregiving for the first six

hypotheses, with satisfaction being the dependent variable for

the last hypothesis.

Dependent variables in this study were the

measurable outcomes of the influence of the independent

variables upon family caregivers.

Some examples of physical impacts were increased

backaches, headaches and prescription drug use.

Some of the

possible emotional impacts experienced by the caregiver

included increased anger, guilt, fear, and depression.

Satisfaction was defined as the caregiver experiencing

increased levels of compassion, contentment, dependability,

fortune, fulfillment, gratitude, helpfulness, hope, love, peace,

productivity, and supportiveness.

Concurrently, in

experiencing satisfaction, the caregiver would have decreased

feelings of anger, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, fear,

frustration, guilt, helplessness, isolation, worry and feeling

overwhelmed and unappreciated.

Extraneous variables

(factors which the researchers were not measuring or

evaluating) that may have affected the outcomes predicted

were: the caregiver’s own health, age, ethnicity, relationship

to care recipient, and care recipient’s health condition.



Informal caregivers whose loved ones were patients of

rural Pennsylvania home health and hospice agencies were

recruited for this study.

These facilities were approached with

a recruitment letter explaining the purpose of the study and

the researchers’ desire to engage in an anonymous,

confidential sampling method.

Once agencies consented to

participation, in lieu of an informed consent document,

potential respondents received a Participant Letter, which

explained the purpose of the survey, potential risks of

participation, possible benefits of the research, and the right to

refuse participation.

This explanatory letter was used instead

of a Participant Permission Letter in order to maintain the

strictest standards of anonymity in the sampling process.


participants were treated in accordance with Federal

Regulations (45 CFR 46) (Office of Human Subjects

Research’s Protection of Human Subjects Regulation, 2005),

the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Marywood

University (Marywood University, 2011), and the National

Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics

(1996, revised 2008).

Because a non-probabilistic convenience sample

(participants not chosen randomly but from a select group of

patient censuses) was used for this study, the researchers did

not have a sampling plan beyond asking agencies to mail the

survey packets to their current patient census and deceased

patients' families.

The authors solicited the assistance of rural

Pennsylvania home health and hospice agencies and hospitals.

The recruitment strategy succeeded in establishing

collaboration with two home health and hospice agencies.


total number of survey packets mailed to prospective

participants was 645.

One hundred forty-four individuals

returned surveys.

However, of this 144, 11 were discarded

due to failure to complete the survey, excessive missing data,

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




survey completion by the care recipient instead of the

caregiver, or survey completion by a sole individual caring for


This resulted in a 21% response rate, which was

less than ideal.


For purposes of this study, the researchers defined

caregiving as the act of providing physical or supportive care

to an individual who was receiving home care or hospice

services at the time of data collection, January 1, 2012

February 15, 2012.

Additionally, the population who had

received hospice services between July – December, 2011

was included to increase sample size.

Caregiving included

household or supportive duties such as, but not limited to,

laundry, meal preparation, grocery shopping, yard

maintenance, financial management, or transportation to

medical appointments.

The caregiver was defined as the

person who provided physical care and/or performed

household duties for the care recipient.

The care recipient

was defined as the person who was admitted to home health

or hospice services and had received assistance from the


Instrumentation and procedures

A researcher-generated survey (Appendix A) was created

consisting of 18 questions, including demographics of the

caregiver, care recipient, duration of care, types of care

provided and the physical and emotional impacts upon the


Likert scales were utilized to assess the types and

frequencies of various services provided, as well as the types

and frequencies of the physical and emotional symptoms

experienced by the caregivers.

The instrument would produce

similar results if respondents completed the survey multiple

times, thereby giving it internal consistency reliability.

Based on the ecological perspective, which involves the

reciprocal relationship between person and environment, the

researchers expected that the type, duration, and frequency of

caregiving tasks would support a concurrent validity in the

measurements of type and frequency of physical and

emotional impacts.

The survey was also designed to collect

extraneous variables that may have impacted the caregiver


Because the survey instrument was not

thoroughly vetted, three Masters-level professionals reviewed

it for appropriateness of use.

Data was collected

from January 1 - February 15, 2012.

Participants were

provided with self-addressed, stamped envelopes to facilitate

the return of their completed surveys to the researchers.

Participants were asked to assess changes in their physical

status through the duration of their caregiving experience

using a nominal level of measurement (this is not a concern

for me, no change during caregiving, got worse during

caregiving, or got better during caregiving).

Participants were

also asked to assess their emotional response(s) to caregiving

duties by reporting the frequency of occurrence of both

positive and negative emotions.

Specifically, participants

rated their emotional responses based on a Likert scale using

an ordinal level of measurement (never, rarely, sometimes,

often, all the time).

The survey took approximately 15

minutes to complete.

Upon completion of the study, all surveys were placed in

a locked, metal file cabinet in the home of researcher Moyer,

the only person with access.

All records will be destroyed on

June 1, 2014 by shredding of paper documents and deletion of

electronic records.

Participants were not debriefed following the completion

and return of surveys due to the anonymous nature of the data

collection process.

However, they were offered the

opportunity to request a copy of the final study from their

respective home health and hospice agencies.

No incentives

were provided to participants other than the opportunity to

participate in a survey about caregiver stressors that could

lead to agency and/or community support programs and

services for caregivers.

Data Analysis

Data collected were analyzed using the Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software program.

Demographic analysis of the data showed that 79% of

caregivers in this study were female; 21% were male.

Combining male and female caregivers yielded the modal

score (most frequently occurring score) of 41% in the 51-65

year age range.

In terms of those receiving care, 53% were

females; 47% were male.

The caregivers and recipients’

distributions of gender and age ranges are shown in Figure 1

Figure 1: Caregiver and care recipient age and gender


Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




Evaluating the physical impacts of the caregiving experience

against the duration of caregiving showed no significant

relationship between the variables, indicating that duration

was not a factor in physical impacts of caregiving in this


However, in testing the emotional impacts against

duration, three variables were found to have significant

relationships: contentment (x


= 22.

951, df = 8, p < .003),

fear (x


= 16.463, df = 8, p < .036), and guilty (x


= 18.909, df

= 8, p < .015).

These results implied that caregivers who

provided care for longer periods of time experienced not only

higher rates of contentment but also higher rates of fear and


Measuring frequency against impacts on the physical

wellbeing of the caregiver showed interesting results.

Due to

the design of the question measuring the physical impacts, it

was not possible to collapse the negative and positive effects

into separate composite variables.

Respondents were asked

whether a physical symptom improved or worsened during


Survey participants could also choose “no

change” or “not a concern for me” with each physical

symptom presented thereby rendering responses without

assigning a negative or positive value.

Therefore, the

frequency variable was run against each of the physical

impacts individually.

In terms of the negative physical impacts upon the

caregiver (e.

g., backaches, headaches, fatigue, inadequate

sleep, etc.

), statistically significant results were found at the p

< .05 level for 46 variables between the aforementioned types

of physical symptoms and the types and frequencies of

caregiving provided (e.

g., laundry, dressing, feeding, ostomy

care, etc.

provided: never, 1-3 days, 4-6 days, or every day).

The combination of type and frequency of care with certain

physical symptoms showed overwhelming overlap with

several physical impacts on the caregiver.

Of these 46

significant results, Table 1 shows a representative sampling,

as the inclusion of the entire data set was space prohibitive.

Table 1

Significant cross tabulation results of caregiving duties and physical symptoms experienced

Caregiving performed

Physical impact




p value

Physical Care:

Application of skin preparations

Feeling tired










Feeling tired




Giving nasal sprays





Not sleeping enough




Trouble falling/staying asleep




Giving breathing treatments

Weight loss




Incontinence care

Physical strength




Ostomy care

Sleeping too much





Feeling tired




Physical strength




Household/Supportive Care:

Meal preparation

Use of prescription medications





Feeling tired




Not sleeping enough




Sleeping too much













Feeling tired





Medical condition




Use of prescription medications




Banking/bill paying

Ability to concentrate




Physical strength




Note: All results were evaluated at the p < .

05 level.



Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




Likewise, the emotional impacts of caregiving showed

statistically significant results, albeit to a lesser extent.


the physical impact scale, however, the emotion scale lent

itself to collapsing the negative emotions and positive

emotions into separate composite variables (total negative

emotion variable and total positive emotion variable).

The frequency of caregiving tasks evaluated against the

negative emotion composite variable yielded several

significant relationships, all at the p < .05 level: medications

administered by injection, giving nasal sprays, giving

breathing treatments, incontinence care, mobility, meal

preparation, and yard work/maintenance (Figure 2).


results implied that the more frequently these types of care

were provided, the higher the total negative emotion score.

Only one positive emotion variable labeled, “participating in

social engagements”, showed statistical significance when run

against frequency (x


= 125.

413, df = 90, p < .008).


implication being that the more often caregivers participated

in social engagements with the care recipient, the more

positive emotion they experienced.

Figure 2: Significant correlations between type and frequency of care provided tested against the negative emotion composite




The statistical data on caregiver demographics

corresponds with the figures reported at the national level

(NAC & AARP, 2009), although the most frequently reported

caregiver age range for this study, 51-65 years, was slightly

greater than the national average of 48 years.


discrepancy may be accounted for by the limited sample size

of the current study compared to the national survey.

Analyses of the care recipient demographics also

differed somewhat from data gathered in the national survey

(NAC & AARP, 2009).

Nationwide, 62% of care recipients

are female, while this survey found that figure to be 53%.

Likewise, the current study had divergent results in terms of

care recipient age, with the most often-reported age bracket

between 76-85 years.

Nationally, the average age is 61 years.

In terms of the relationship between the caregiver and care

recipient, the highest frequency reported was husband (34%),

followed by mother (25%) and wife (14%).

The overall

percentage of individuals caring for a relative was 97%,

which was somewhat above the national rate of 86%.

Likewise, a discrepancy was found between caregivers in this

study providing care for 12 months or more (54%) and the

national survey, which was 65%.

What follows below is a summary of the findings

relevant to the hypotheses posited by the researchers:

The most often reported physical ailments experienced

by caregivers were: arthritis/bone fractures (45%),

followed distantly by allergies (24%), other disorders

(e.g., Crohn’s Disease) (20%), diabetes (18%),

depression (17%) and heart failure/heart disease (17%).

This corroborates the data reported by several studies

(Brewer & Chu, 2008; Evercare & NAC, 2007, 2009;

Houser & Gibson, 2008; NAC & AARP, 2009; Perrig-

Chiello & Hutchison, 2010; Vitaliano & Katon, 2006).

The results of the current study found no relationships

between the positive emotion variables and duration of

care at the less than 6 months or the 6 month to 12 month

time periods.

Only one correlation was found for

contentment/happiness at the duration variable of 12

months or more.

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




The researchers found no significant relationships in this

study between the duration of caregiving and the

physical impacts experienced by the caregiver, thereby

leaving the authors unable to reject the null hypothesis

for this research question.

The duration of caregiving produced three significant

relationships when evaluated against the emotional

impacts of caregiving.

These results supported the

hypothesis that providing informal caregiving for

extended periods of time would have an impact on the

emotional wellbeing of the caregiver, albeit to a lesser

extent than anticipated by the researchers.

Additionally, only one variable measuring positive

emotions was found to be relevant: contentment (p <


However, two variables assessing negative

emotional impacts yielded statistical significance: fear (p

< .036) and guilt (p < .015).

In terms of the frequency of the caregiving experience

impacting upon the physical and emotional wellbeing of

respondents, results were in alignment with what one

could expect from a physically demanding set of tasks.

For instance, backaches were more often reported by

those individuals who provided assistance to care

recipients in transferring (e.

g., from bed to chair or

wheelchair to toilet).

Similarly, the frequency variable showed significance

when related to the negative emotion composite variable.

The results of these analyses support the hypothesis

posited by the authors that caregivers who provide high

invasive/high intimate intimacy types of care (e.


bathing/showering, incontinence and ostomy care) would

experience emotional impacts.

The same may be said of the positive emotion composite

variable of participating in social engagements, which,

when provided more frequently to the care recipient,

would have an uplifting impact upon the caregiver.


result lends support to the researchers’ hypothesis that

those engaging in low invasive/low intimacy types of

caregiving would experience satisfaction.

Limitations of study

The researchers assumed that caregivers might report

both negative and positive impacts on their physical and/or

emotional wellbeing, with variation in individual experiences.

Some caregivers may have failed to respond due to the

overwhelming nature of the caregiving they were providing

during the period of data collection.

This potential exclusion

of individuals may have limited response rates from

caregivers with higher frequency, longer duration, or higher

levels of intimate/invasive of caregiving.

While it is feasible

that the majority of participants experienced no physical and

minimal emotional impacts from the caregiving experience, it

may be more likely that the relatively low response rate

influenced the results or the survey design itself was lacking

in the capacity to measure such relationships.


limitations of the study included the lack of a large-print

version for low-vision caregivers and the physical health of

the caregiver (e.

g., severe arthritis may have been an

impediment to completing a written survey).

The length of the survey instrument may have deterred

some caregivers from participating.

While it took

approximately 15 minutes to complete, the number of pages

(nine) may have dissuaded some prospective respondents.

Still other potential participants may have been overwhelmed

with the performance of caregiving duties, professional and

personal obligations, which left inadequate time or interest in

responding to the survey.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

(HIPAA) concerns and time limitations of Institutional

Review Boards (IRB) raised by some of the solicited agencies

also limited this study.

In other cases, workload of agency

employees available to address and mail envelopes may have

prevented collaboration.

Although the survey packets were

collated and placed in an outer envelope with sufficient

postage, the collaborating agencies and hospitals needed to

address the envelopes for mailing.

The researchers recognize

that this limitation could not be remedied without

compromising the anonymous nature of the study design and

requesting patient census mailing lists to mail packets on their


The homogenous population of rural Pennsylvania may

have further limited this study.

Also, because the researchers

relied upon a non-probabilistic convenience sample rather

than a random sample, the generalizability of any findings

was limited.

A correction of this limitation would be to

randomly survey family caregivers in urban portions of

Pennsylvania and other states.

Further limiting this study was the low response rate and

in many cases, the volume of missing data in several of the


Both of these factors decreased the confidence

level of statistical analyses.


Through the course of this research, the authors learned

the value of a thoroughly vetted survey instrument.

While the

questionnaire developed by the researchers was critically

reviewed by approximately 15 individuals and went through

numerous iterations, it nonetheless presented participants with

a few challenges in terms of responding to all of the


Refinement of the instrument would, ideally,

reduce the amount of missing data and increase confidence

levels of the data and the inferential statistics.

It also became evident that future instructions to

participating agencies should be clarified to read informal,

unpaid caregivers are being recruited.

In one instance, survey

packets were inadvertently sent to private-duty caregivers

engaged in professional caregiving.

None of these surveys

were used in the tabulation of results.

Also, information

should be added to the Participant Letter explicating two

issues: a) if the residence to which the mailing was sent does

not include a caregiver, please disregard the mailing and

discard the survey; b) if the mailing was inadvertently sent to

a care recipient, it should be passed along to the individual’s


The research could also be refined by narrowing the

population of caregivers to those who had cared for hospice

patients during a specified period of time.

This would serve

two purposes: providing a clearer pool of respondents and

cost containment of the project.

The researchers also learned the value of planning

adequate time to allow for the IRB processes of individual

agencies being solicited for participation in the study.

The overall results of this study lend support to the data

published by the NAC and AARP (2009).

Although the

sample size of this project was small, the conclusions that

may be drawn are nonetheless compelling.

Journal of Student Research (2013)

Volume 2, Issue 1: pp.


Research Article

ISSN: 2167-1907




Directions for future research may include further

inquiry into the burden of caregiving specifically in terms of

high invasive/high intimacy versus low invasive/low intimacy

types of caregiving.

Additionally, it would be intriguing to

examine in depth the disparity of negative emotions reported

between female and male caregivers.

Although data was

collected on acute and chronic disease comorbidities for both

the caregiver and the care recipient, the researchers found it

necessary to limit the scope of the project.

Thus, it would be

interesting to explore this aspect of the caregiving experience


This type of research can be used to drive legislative

action that would better fund care of the elderly and those

with disabilities.

More importantly, it provides concrete

evidence to support legislation that would fund the millions of

informal caregivers across America.


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